National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Shamrock Hotel

Corner 1-9 Gillies and 51-55 Moore Streets,, ROCHESTER VIC 3561 - Property No B2657

An imposing red brick hotel of 1912 on a corner site with double storey cast iron verandahs over both footpaths; originally owned by Mr T W McMaster - prominent in civic and community affairs for over 20 years. Interior excluded. Classified: 09/12/1976



Shamrock Hotel

85 Pall Mall,, BENDIGO VIC 3550 - Property No B1853

The present Shamrock Hotel is the third on this site. The first was erected in 1854 and included the local Cobb and Co. office and a concert hall. The second was larger in size and built in 1864. The present building dates from 1897. The architect was P Kennedy and the contractors were Baxter and Boyne. The four storey brick structure has an elaborate mansard roof and decorative rendered street facades which are encircled by a two storey verandah. The Shamrock Hotel is an ... more

